In 2024, we remain united against littering: Will you join LIBERA?
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The "LIBERA, united against littering" project was created in 2017 to stop the consequences of rubbish discarded in natural spaces in Spain's various ecosystems. It was created by the Spanish environmental NGO, SEO/BirdLife, in partnership with Ecoembes, the non-profit environmental organisation that promotes the circular economy through the recycling of packagin.

Why combat littering?

LIBERA aims to help the environment by doing its part in the fight against climate change by promoting the conservation of nature. And to do this, we must tackle a key problem: litter.

The aim of this initiative is to raise awareness and bring about a change in habits, starting with the reduction of waste generation, continuing with reuse, the repair of that which is already available; and of course, dealing with the problem of littering, the waste that ends up in nature.

To do this, we at LIBERA propose a comprehensive approach to the problem with three areas of action:
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In order to address the problem of littering, we need to know more about its origin, behaviour and where it accumulates.

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We instil the importance of keeping environments clean and we cultivate a respect for nature.

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We encourage people to go out to the countryside and clean up what nobody should have tarnished.

What can you do?

Join the fight against litter individually or as a group.

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As an

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As a

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As a

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As a

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As an

fondo de hojas proyecto libera

Reasons to be part of the LIBERA Project

Ventajas del Proyecto Libera Participación
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Collaborate actively in a problem that concerns us all.

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Feeling of belonging to a community

Proyecto basado en evidencias científicas

Project based on scientific evidence

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Be part of the solution to the littering problem

Some stats to be proud of

The efforts of all the volunteers and researchers to look after and protect nature over the years have yielded results.

over 1.165.612 pieces of waste collected and categorised
687,8 tonnes of waste removed from natural spaces
10 scientific reports prepared
over 165.856 volunteers who have participated in 1m2 campaigns
over 9.900 users of the Basuraleza app
2.590 participating entities and organisations